I don’t moderate any comments on my site. If you have something to say, get it out there, Go on get it off your chest. – I am happy for your opinion to be aired in full and unabridged.

In fact, I love it, and would welcome those comments even if they were unflattering. You felt moved to comment on what I have written. Wonderful, whether that be – Good or Bad.

I believe very passionately in freedom of expression, of speech and after all why would you write a blog if you did not want others to read it, to comment and then to discuss.

So do you moderate comments? Is it right to moderate?


    • Hi TRG, thanks for commenting. Hmm I didn’t know you could moderate just the first comment, so thanks for the inspiration although I don’t think I will switch it on. I quite like discussion and disagreement. I agree, if it was irrelevant abuse then I would delete the comment. I guess I am just not popular enough to be “trolled” just yet.

      • now i think of it, i’m not sure i actaully set it to anything myself. this must have been a default setting. i’m relatively new to this blogging lark so not 100% sure 🙂
        and i haven’t had any abuse yet either

  1. Oh the posting inspiration -! I have ‘moderate’ as an option, but I am staunch believer in freedom of speech and self-expression; this is what I am trying to cultivate on my blog and in my life. I may just try take the moderation off altogether and see what happens.

    • It’s just an opinion and I will also probably do another blog on copyright and ideas in a few days time. Unfortunately, I am back at the day job, so my writing time has been severely impacted. Thanks for commenting and for the inspiration from your original blog.

  2. Oh no worries, that is fine, I was rather glad when I read your post -:)! Yes, the copyright is a big issue but in all honesty I do not think there is much to be done in the ‘amazon forest’ of internet. In any case I will be sure to read it. I know exactly how you are feeling about so called ‘day job’ … ‘cubical nation here’ I come!

    Take Care,
    I am glad you are feeling better!

  3. Thanks for sampling my blog, tryingtowriteit.

    I moderate comments to my blog only to ensure they aren’t spam. I might also delete a valid comment that was extremely vulgar, pornographic, or in some other way inappropriate or offensive to my readers (as seen through my editorial filter). I’ve never had to delete a comment and don’t foresee doing that in the near future at least, since I don’t have a lot of commenters on my posts.

    But if a commenter wants to rip me to shreds (politely, of course) for one of my posts, bring it on! It takes more than a few critical words to hurt my feelings. Besides, if one aspires to become a published writer, a thick skin is a must, because one’s writing will never please 100% of your readers, and there will always be someone ready and eager to point out your shortcomings as a wordsmith.

    • I have lots of shortcomings as a wordsmith… I am surprised someone hasn’t taken a potshot or two already. Thanks for commenting. Your blog is great and I am sure you will be struggling to keep up with the comments soon enough.

  4. There have been many times that I would love to click that little ‘Edit’ button in order to correct spelling and/or grammar mistakes, whether they be in my comments or on another blog entirely. I have not done so due to the facts that each writer should choose the words which best describes the message they’re trying to convey, and there is always time to look over what is being published before pressing the ‘Publish’ and ‘Post Comment’ buttons.

    I’ve actually declined a few comments due to them appearing as nothing more than ramblings in order to promote some available product or service. Opinions I don’t have a problem with; spam is a different story altogether.

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